On-Demand – Advanced Massage Therapy: Identifying & Working with Diastasis Recti in Clients (3 NYS & NCBTMB CEUs)

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Learn how to effectively treat diastasis recti

🌟 Elevate Your Expertise with 3 Hours of In-Depth Training 🌟

πŸ”Έ Earn 3 NYS & NCBTMB Massage Therapy CEUs πŸ”Έ

Discover the importance of working on related muscle groups and how the direction of strokes can make a big difference for long-lasting results. In this 3 CEU course, we’ll cover everything you’ll need to know in order to effectively help this common client complaint!

πŸ“š Course Highlights πŸ“š

  • What is Diastasis Recti and What Generally Causes it?
  • What you need to know about working with clients with Diastasis Recti
  • Presentation of the basic β€œfinger” test for a diastasis recti
  • Bodyreading & Assessment for Misalignments are Likely Due to the Diastasis (with our guest client!)
  • Making a Treatment Plan for Diastasis Recti Clients
  • 60 minute Treatment Demonstration
  • Giving Homework: Examples of At Home Self Care for Diastasis Recti

🍎 Instructor: David Weintraub LMT

You’ll need to register and pay for the at-home course to take it and get your certificate of completion.

If you’ve already done that and you are logged into your student profile, the orange button should say “Course Ordered.”

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